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awards / Brand Experience & Activation

Brand Experience & Activation

The Brand Experience & Activation Eurobest Award celebrates creative, comprehensive brand building through the next level use of experience design, activation, immersive, retail and 360° customer engagement.

The work should demonstrate how the customer journey, experience of the brand and optimisation of every touch point led to increased brand affinity and commercial success.


A number of criteria will be considered during judging and weighted as follows: 20% Idea; 20% strategy; 30% execution; 30% results.

The same piece of work can be entered up to three times in Brand Experience & Activation. However, the same piece of work may only be entered once in ‘A. Brand Experience & Activation: Sectors’.

Looking for inspiration?

Hear from the 2023 Brand Experience & Activation Jury President on why last year's Grand Prix winner was chosen.


2023 Jury President

Tamara Greene

Tamara Greene

Managing Director, Global Brands

Havas Creative Network


Other Awards

Creative Business Transformation
