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awards / Creative Business Transformation

Creative Business Transformation

The Creative Business Transformation Eurobest Award celebrates the creativity that drives businesses forward – creative thinking that changes how businesses organise themselves, how people work and how customers engage with them.

This Eurobest Award recognises the ingenuity that leads to the creation of new products and services, and the reinvention of operations and customer experiences in companies of all sizes that drives transformative change.

The work should demonstrate how creative change has been achieved across core business functions and has delivered a positive impact and growth for business, staff or customers. Including, but not limited to, the creation of new products and services, the use of technology and business design, and the reinvention of operations and customer experiences in order to generate transformative change.


A number of criteria will be considered during judging and weighted as follows: 30% strategy & process; 35% experience & implementation; 35% business results & impact.

The same piece of work can be entered up to three times in Creative Business Transformation.

For Creative Business Transformation Eurobest Award the eligibility dates are 16th August 2020 - 19th October 2023.

Looking for inspiration?

Hear from the 2023 Creative Business Transformation Jury President on why last year's Grand Prix winner was chosen.


2023 Jury President

Andy Sandoz

Andy Sandoz

Partner & Global Chief Creative Officer



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